Herbs In The Apothecary
Herbs In The Apothecary
For generations herbs have been used for healing. Whether or not you are using it in a Tea, tincture, salve, incense, or an infusion-Herbs, our great for overall wellness. Each herb has a specific spirit, element and personality. These herbs are specifically chosen in Demure Lyfe not only for their medicinal properties, but their metaphysical and spiritual ones as well.
Cornflower- enhance a psychic ability
Hyssop-humility, repentance, sacrifice
Hibiscus-emotional healing, self-love, passion, inner peace
Calendula-light, fire, sun, magic, court case, confidence
Angelica-protection, work, shield against hexes and malevolent spirits
Damiana-love, lust, attraction, work, fertility, workings, aphrodisiac
Red Clover-feminine energy, work, allowing your inner light to shine
Hawthorn Leaf-helps with grief, and heartache.
Lemon Verbena- purification and renewal
Agrimony-thankfulness and gratitude
Chickweed-play resilience and connection
Ginger Root Powder-wealth and prosperity
Chamomilepositive energy, prophetic, dreaming
Calamus-words of evil spirits
Red Rose Buds- love, working, passion, sacrifice
Raspberry Leaf-solidifies and strengthens marriage
Mugwort- lucid, dreaming and astral projection
Lavender- Lifts your spirits,brings peace and calm
Nettle- create boundaries
Jasmine Flower-purity, love, positive energy, and happiness
Arnica Flower- helps the soul integrate better with the body
Honeysuckle-romantic, love, good fortune, sweetness towards one another
Lemongrass-willingness to welcome, honest communication
Vanilla Powder-personal empowerment, sexual desire, improves powers of the mind.
Rosehips-soulmates, companionships,relief of stress and negativity
Cat’s Claw- opens the spirit to receive good health, balance, and aids with vision quests.
White Copal-cleansing abilities, inviting in the divine to purify whatever needs purification. It promotes spiritual growth, transformation and assists with meditation.
Frankincense Tears-promotes holiness and righteousness
Myrrh-purifying, restorative revitalizing and uplifting. Uplift the spirit and emotional protection.
Palo Santo Dust- deepens your connection to The Source, to protect from negative energy, and creates harmony. I.
Dandelion Leaf- resilience and strength
Linden Leaf- good luck, health, healing, broken hearts, longevity, prevents temptation
Essiac Tea- enhances, detoxification, boost, immune system, and reduces inflammation
California white Sage-ceremonial use of cleansing spirits out of homes and off of people.
Kapachi- traditionally used in Peruvian purification ceremony