To my Sisters...
When you're down and you can't see a light, understand you're a light to someone... if you have a hard time tuning into the frequency of full on positivity understand you are love... you would never do something to harm or shade someone intentionally... as this is the love that you need to remind yourself you move in... you're a good person... even if you don't feel that way sometimes... you love deep and true... and you see light in others... when you see light in others understand that you're seeing the prism of your own reflection in the mirror of their soul.
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To my Brothers...
Translation - until next sighting, baby...
Hard goodbyes are never easy... letting go is never easy... but sometimes you need to let go and revisit when you're fully collected. Have the wherewithal to know when you need to step away from situations that you are a contributing factor in its dissolve...
Be this a job, a relationship... it's best to step away until cooler heads prevail.