Daily Oracle
Spring Equinox Vibe
Happy Spring Equinox! It’s all about fresh starts, finding balance, and getting ready for some growth. Today, the moon’s vibing in Leo, shining a light on being bold and confident.Here’s...
Spring Equinox Vibe
Happy Spring Equinox! It’s all about fresh starts, finding balance, and getting ready for some growth. Today, the moon’s vibing in Leo, shining a light on being bold and confident.Here’s...
August 29th 2017
If it were that easy it would have been done... right? Sometimes the answers we seek aren't readily on the surface. In the words of Mama Odie "You got to...
August 29th 2017
If it were that easy it would have been done... right? Sometimes the answers we seek aren't readily on the surface. In the words of Mama Odie "You got to...
August 28th 2017
Life is meant to be lived... Not controlled. The more controlling you are the less living you're doing... As a wise man once said- "Check yo'self before you wreck yo'self"Be...
August 28th 2017
Life is meant to be lived... Not controlled. The more controlling you are the less living you're doing... As a wise man once said- "Check yo'self before you wreck yo'self"Be...
August 25th 2017
The true judge of understanding if you've learn a lesson is sharing your understanding of it with others... There's no way to fill your own cup if you don't empty...
August 25th 2017
The true judge of understanding if you've learn a lesson is sharing your understanding of it with others... There's no way to fill your own cup if you don't empty...
August 24th 2017
Sometimes showing our darkness can lead us into our light... Being vulnerable with those chosen by the Universe to be our guide is mandatory... the Universe sends us interactions that...
August 24th 2017
Sometimes showing our darkness can lead us into our light... Being vulnerable with those chosen by the Universe to be our guide is mandatory... the Universe sends us interactions that...
August 18th 2017
In this moment in time... many of us are not taking care of ourselves when it comes to eating, sleeping and emotional healing. If you are not doing all of...
August 18th 2017
In this moment in time... many of us are not taking care of ourselves when it comes to eating, sleeping and emotional healing. If you are not doing all of...